City of Buffalo Preservation Board Supports Fosdick Field Restoration


Official Flag of the City of Buffalo

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Following a presentation today on the efforts to restore Fosdick Field, the City of Buffalo Preservation Board voted unanimously for a resolution in support of the project.

Dr. Bill Kresse and Jason Yots, members of the City Honors/Fosdick-Masten Park Foundation Board of Directors and co-chairs of the Fosdick Field Restoration Committee, were asked recently to appear before the Preservation Board to give a presentation regarding the history of Fosdick Field and the campaign to restore the field and other related developments. Following the thirty minute presentation, which included visuals and questions from the board, members moved to provide an unsolicited resolution of support.

While the resolution does not have any legal or procedural ramifications at this point in time, it provides one more indication that our re-energized city sees this project as another component in its renaissance. Many other neighbor and notable leadership organizations in Buffalo have already made public endorsements for the restoration of the field.